Your island of calm amid a sea of chaos. 

Photo by Mariellen Hynes, copyright 2015

Photo by Mariellen Hynes, copyright 2015

Reiki is a form of intuitive energy healing. It is quiet, safe, and non-invasive, and is best understood by experiencing it for yourself.

Sessions with Reiki Oasis are given primarily for stress reduction and relaxation to promote healing and wellness. (See The Reiki Effect page for specific information on more potential benefits.) Reiki is a complementary treatment method, working in total harmony with all other healing modalities, including conventional (allopathic) medicine. 

An extremely effective and gentle technique is used that combines various hand placements on the body to encourage and support the flow of energy. 

Be sure to dress comfortably for your session since you will remain fully clothed, removing only your shoes. The environment is peaceful, calm, and restful. The atmosphere is always positive and comfortable.